About 100 students from kindergarten school "Jesus Garcia" Lorquí have visited in the morning of Wednesday 10 November, the Municipal Library in the town, in an activity organized by the local Education Department to know their operation and and performed their classmates "Dolores Escámez" last week.
On this visit, which has had two turns, the small school of the school ilorcitano have been guided by the librarian, Fine Asensio, and accompanied by the local Councillor for Culture, Antonio Asensio.
"The goal of these activities is to teach the smaller the library, to become familiar with it, with its resources, with its offer, with its operation ... is a way to make it known that from early to know to enjoy it "says local Councillor for Education, Joaquín Lorenzo Cremades, recalling that this initiation experience is conducted every year and that" the result is always positive for the illusion and the school. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorquí