The young ilorcitana Melgarejo Maria Angeles Garcia, a student from the school "Jesus Garcia" has been proclaimed winner in our Region school multimedia competition "The secret of the good life" promoted by the Fundación Caja Madrid "and intended to prevent drug use.
The objective of this initiative, which involved about 84,500 students from 1,113 primary schools, was to sensitize the student population of 5 and 6 of primary school and their teachers.
In this contest between the school have worked protective factors against drugs, as the skills to resist peer pressure, self esteem, the response to aggressive behavior and information on these substances.
A tribute gift
In recognition of his success in this game, the local council, the hands of his council of Social Policy, Sebastián Sánchez, and Health, Juana Maria Marin gave the young scholar MP4 player.
This gift was given on Wednesday May 27 at his own school, under the watchful gaze of their peers.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorquí